Get vital medical equipment and supplies to people experiencing extreme poverty in Guatemala.  image

Get vital medical equipment and supplies to people experiencing extreme poverty in Guatemala.


$23,068 raised

$25,000 goal

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​Join us in making a life-changing impact in Guatemala!

Hearts In Motion is gearing up to send three containers filled with crucial medical equipment, supplies, firefighting gear, school materials, and more to support our programs in Guatemala. But, we can't do it without YOUR help!

We need your help to raise $40,000 to ensure three containers full of vital equipment and supplies valued over $750,000+ go to Guatemala this year!

To kick off this campaign, we received a generous matching gift of $10,000!! That means your donation will matched dollar for dollar, helping us to reach our goal even faster!

Your contribution can make a big difference in the lives of people experiencing extreme poverty.

It's easy to take items like backpacks, paper, pens, walkers, crutches, and wheelchairs for granted, but for the average Guatemalan, accessibility to these essential items is a challenge. Emergency response services in Guatemala are in desperate need of equipment and supplies for their firefighters. Because of this program, we can ship donated gear to firefighters to help save more lives.

Each container holds over $250,000 worth of indispensable items that are either unavailable or too expensive for many in Guatemala. We receive donations of medical equipment and firefighting gear from contributors nationwide, which we store in our warehouse, totaling up in value to $750,000 and more!

Why is your support crucial?

In many developing countries, like Guatemala, the people heavily rely upon international donations of emergency service equipment, medical devices, school supplies, and other basic needs. Hearts In Motion has been a beacon of hope for over three decades, delivering critical supplies to those in need across Central and South America.

Our warehouse is bursting with millions of dollars worth of healthcare supplies, firefighting gear, and educational items donated annually by vendors and individuals nationwide. Your support will help us bridge the gap and deliver these much-needed supplies to those who need them urgently.

How Hearts In Motion ensures impact:

We work closely with healthcare supply donors to ensure equipment is in good working order and relevant to the location we are shipping to. Our items are non-expired, and we coordinate directly with community leaders to identify the most pressing needs. Through meticulous packing and unpacking processes, we ensure that the right items reach the right people at the right time.

Supplies ready to be shipped:

  • Crutches for children and adults with broken limbs
  • Diagnostic machines for sick patients
  • Wheelchairs provide mobility to the elderly and disabled
  • Walkers for physical therapy and home use
  • Specialized braces
  • Backpacks, pens, pencils, and more

    Your support will make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. Let's come together to ensure that vital medical equipment reaches the hands of those who need it most in Guatemala. Thank you for being a part of this life-changing mission!